
Firefox 3.0.2更新细节


今天查了查这次升级版本的变动,原来是这样的。这次Mozilla放了 Firefox 3.0.2,最新版 Firefox 的第二个更新。缘由是FireFox 3.0FireFox 2.0被发现有同样的多重安全性漏洞,这两个版本均为高危安全漏洞!所幸漏洞在发现的同一天内Mozilla就释出了升级版。如同往常的,这次新版本提供了数个稳定性修正、更正几个安全弱点。正在使用这两个版本的人应该尽速更新!
    Some vulnerabilities have been reported in Mozilla Firefox, which can be exploited by malicious people to bypass certain security restrictions, to disclose sensitive information, or to potentially compromise a user’s system.
    1) An error in the JavaScript move and resize functionality can be exploited to trick the user into clicking an unintended button and e.g. download a malicious file.
    2) Multiple errors can be exploited to pollute "XPCNativeWrappers" and run arbitrary script code with Chrome privileges.
    3) Multiple errors in "XSLT" and "document.loadBindingDocument()" while creating documents can be exploited to run arbitrary script code with Chrome privileges.
    4) Multiple errors in the layout and JavaScript engines can be exploited to corrupt memory.
    5) Two errors in the image rendering implementation can be exploited to cause a crash.
    6) An error in the graphics rendering engine can be exploited to cause a crash.
    Successful exploitation of vulnerabilities #4-#6 may allow execution of arbitrary code.
    7) An error in the processing of BOM characters included in JavaScript code can be exploited to potentially bypass script filters and facilitate cross-site scripting attacks.
    8) Multiple errors in the implementation of the "resource:" protocol can be exploited to perform directory traversal attacks and disclose sensitive information.
    Successful exploitation of vulnerabilities #4-#6 may allow execution of arbitrary code.
    The vulnerabilities are reported in versions prior to 3.0.2.
某些漏洞可以绕过程序本身的安全机制,甚至还可以透过Buffer OverFlow执行任意代码!所幸FireFox及时发布了升级版本。第一次见到如此实时的零天更新!因为这多重漏洞是在Mozilla发布更新后才公布出来的。
此次还有个变化的就是,僧伽罗语 (Sinhala, 斯里兰卡官方语言之一) 与斯洛维尼亚语 (Slovene) 成为最新的两个在地化版本,将 Firefox 的在地版本数提高到 48 种,还有额外 8 种正在测试中。
另外此次更新将 GMail 加入邮件处理程序的预设清单中,因此在网页上点击mailto: 链接,或是选择“文件 → 发送页面… ”时就可由 GMail 撰写 E-mail。想要启用,请到“工具”的“选项”窗口(Linux 或 Mac 上叫“偏好设定”),切换到“应用程序”页面,在 mailto: 项目选择 使用 GMail。
图 – 在firefox中设置mailto触发gmail
欲更新至 Firefox 3.0.2 ,请到“帮助”菜单选择“检查更新”,或是等 48 小时之内会自动启动的自动更新。

发布在: 2008年9月27日 | 分类: 杂七杂八
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